Tip Jar

We love our music and love sharing it with the world, in hopes of others enjoying it too. We’ll continue writing our songs regardless of whether they’re worth money (for as long as life blesses us with the ability), and you can listen to all of it for free at various places on the Internet.

We’re also grateful for tokens of appreciation; it’s rewarding when people share our taste in music. Our favorite way for you to support our music is to buy our songs through the links on this website (i.e. ourAlbumsPage) or asking your local record store to sell you a physical copy of our albums.

If you want to support our creations in non-financial ways, we’re just as grateful for this too. Spread the word about the songs you like and share this website on your social media by copying this link: claybabiesmusic.wordpress.com You could also tip us greatly by asking your favorite radio or podcasts to play our songs.

This website was created and hosted for free using WordPress, so as an unfortunate consequence of choosing the ‘free’ plan, there are ads automatically selected by WordPress. We have no control over this unless we pay. We are sorry for this annoyance and recommend you use ad and cookie blockers on your Internet browser. We do not benefit in any way from the ads or cookies other than being able to use WordPress to put our content onto the Internet.

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